Cuando termine la diversión con las medidas y el dibujo de la cabeza, simplemente conéctese en línea para elegir la calidad, el color y el estilo de su sombrero y se lo enviaremos de inmediato. O llama tu pedido al 720-810-9906 y te ayudaremos a diseñar el sombrero perfecto.
When The Cow Lot first started shipping hats on line we got back about 25% because of fit. It was with find a way to get better or quit the on-line ordering. With a lot of trial we came up with the Perfect Fit Guide Today returns hover around 1/2 %. (.05)
You can feel confident with this gift you’re gonna give and get exactly what you intended. The Perfect Hat! The Perfect Gift!
That comes with my personal guarantee .
Glenn Orms CEO The Cow Lot🤠
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This was my first cowboy hat and I had no idea what I wanted or needed. The customer service was excellent and even helped me after to ensure a perfect fit. I highly recommend the perfect fit kit as well.